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 NEWS Import outlook
3DS Exstetra Furyu
3DS Metal Max 4: Gekkou no Diva Kadokawa
PS3 Akiba's Trip 2 Acquire
PS3 Onechanbara Z: Kagura with NoNoNo! D3 Publisher
PSV Akiba's Trip 2 Acquire
PSV Exstetra Furyu


Summary of the Week
Monday NEWS Import outlook for the week 
Tuesday TOYS D.C. Comics Bishoujo Wonder Woman 1/7 Scale Figure  SALE DC, PS2, and SS game bundles
Wednesday 3DS One Piece Unlimited World R Adventure Pack preorders
Friday PS3 Oanechanbara Z Kagura with Nonono!  PSV Akiba Strip 2  SALE GC, PS2, XBX game bundles
National Console Support, Inc ° Your Import Specialist
Phone: (718) 888-1189  Blog
: http://ncsx.blogspot.com  Preorder Shop: http://shopncsx.com  E-mail: ncsx@msn.com 
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