» Only
the Remote is used to play Kororinpa 2.
» After starting the game, you can enter your
name and choose an icon to represent your mood,
ideology, or status.
» A short introductory sequence featuring an ant
will play which sets up the unnecessary storyline of
the game.
» Before each maze starts, a 3D representation of
the entire playfield is shown so you can get a feel
for what lies ahead.
» The Wii Remote is held normally and tilted to
and fro to move the entire maze so that the marble
rolls accordingly. The ant will chime in from time
to time to offer (in our opinion, unnecessary)
hints, tips, and advice that interrupt the flow of
the game. The goal of each maze is a portal on the
opposite side of the maze.
» The first few stages are fairly simple but the
fifth stage requires a bit more precision. Just a
bit. The first batch of stages are made of swatches
of corrugated cardboard which are held together by
tape. It's a nifty visual that shows the thought
that the producers put into the stages featured in
the game. The seventh cardboard stage introduces a
cannon where the marble enters and your job is to
tile the maze so that it's ejection trajectory
doesn't cause the marble to get fired out into the
blue yonder. More elaborate stages are presented