Kamen Rider Climax
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NCS Game Synopsis
Brightly colored superheroes who wear helmets
crafted to look like bugs are known as Kamen Riders
in Japan. There's been countless Kamen Rider
incarnations through the years and they've mostly
drawn design inspirations from the insect kingdom.
For example, Kamen Rider Zo is based on a
grasshopper while Kamen Rider Agito borrows his look
from the stag beetle. Kamen Rider V3 mimics the
appearance of a dragonfly and Kamen Rider Chalice
takes after a praying mantis complete with antennae.
When a whole mess of Riders gather together, they
may be mistaken for a collection delusional male
cosplayers but that's exactly what you're going to
get with Bandai's new fighter titled Kamen
Rider: Climax Heroes.
The Riders featured in the game all hail from the
Heisei era which began with Kamen Rider Kuuga
from 1999 and runs all the way to this
year's Kamen Rider Decade which celebrates
the 10th anniversary of the Heisei lineage. Gamers
get to pit heroes such as Kamen Rider Agito against
Kamen Rider Ryuki, Kamen Rider Hibiki, Kamen Rider
Den-O, Kamen Rider Kiva, and others on a 3D
battlefield. A Rider fighter can attack an opponent
with conventional punches and kicks but standard
four-hit chain combos are also possible. For
lengthier combos, Riders can transform into their
alter-egos and rattle off 10-hit combination attacks
for mega-mighty displays of physical prowess.
Product SKU: SLPS-25944
JAN Code:
Japanese Product Name:
Compatibility: Playstation 2 (Japan-Only)
Game Notes
Eighting developed the game for Bandai
» If you select the STORY MODE of the game, an
introductory sequence begins immediately accompanied
by voice over where you'll play as Kamen Rider
Decade and choose from two options. You can practice
a little bit by selecting the Kamen Rider Decade
option where he'll peform some practice moves with
Kamen Rider Kiva watching or select the Kamen Rider
Kouga option to fight against Kamen Rider Kouga. The
first battle against Kouga takes place in a church.
After defeating Kouga, the length of the match is
shown and you're given a letter grade to rank your
performance. A Kamen Rider card is also gifted to
you along with a video clip and added to the game's
unlocked items. You'll be prompted to save your
progress to memory card after each match.
SQUARE - Punch
TRIANGLE - Strong Punch
CIRCLE - Sword Swing or Gunshot
» Only the D-pad can be used to control the Rider.
Pushing the buttons in sequence will trigger combo
attacks including one sequence where Decade throws
two punches and then shoots his opponent in the
face. Pushing away from the opponent will
automatically throw up the Rider's blocking move to
stave off attacks.
» A straight-up VS mode is also available where you
can choose the following Riders:
● Kamen Rider Kiva
● Kamen Rider Decade
● Kamen Rider Kabuto
● Kamen Rider Den-O
● Kamen Rider Blade
● Kamen Rider Ryuki
● Kamen Rider Kuuga
● Kamen Rider Agito
● Kamen Rider Faiz
● Kamen Rider Hibiki
» We pitted Hibiki against Agito in one match - each
match begins with some theatrics from the combatants
before the camera pans to the side and the fight
begins. Hibiki beats on opponents with a pair of
batons and can blow out a flame-breath-attack from
his mouth (Press the O button). In the middle of the
match, we watched in astonishment as Agito pulled
off a special move which was shown by the camera in
three sequential angles where he seemingly busted
Hibiki's chest and knocked him to the ground like a
rag doll.
» The Kamens can recover in mid-air after being
attacked. So, when a punch sends a Rider up into the
air, he can resist being juggled by the opponent's
subsequent punches and leap upwards and over the
adversary to avoid the next barrage of attacks.
» Agito does a dismissive move with his hand after
he wins as if to say, "Feh, that wasn't even worth
my precious time."
This document is ©NCSX 2009. All rights reserved. No
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National Console Support, Inc.
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